Almost 2 weeks since i had an update:X
The past week was tiring having tu wake up at 5am
from Mon-Fri just because i was in charge of the same event
for five days! Ministry if Trade and Industry.
Monday, 8th March
Slept as early as 12am on Sunday.
Woke up and went tu work. Was working alone at 7am
cos Mum was starting at 10am so i skipped breakfast
and went tu tie my hair first:D
Twinnie love came a bit later and we went up tgt after that.
I was damn excited the 2 of us were working at the same event today.
Until Elwin tell me 'eh you take ballroom 3 later'
I was like 'but i am ballroom 1 and 2 with MinYi leh'
He insisted that i take ballroom 3 so i went thr thinking MinYi was thr.
Then saw Abdul and he said 'You take this ok cos i dun want ChumLan
tu mess it up.' I asked why and he said 'cos you know eng'
WTH, turns out its her that i cannot work with MinYi
when i finally got the chance tu work 7am shift with her! NB
In the end, Twinnie and I decide we will just 'meet up' in
the centre and standby while talking! HAHA!
But apparently, Elwin keeps checking on me!
And he asked if we are magnets when he sees the 2 of us tgt.
Janice, the organiser actually wanted someone to standby at the lift
tu tap the keycard for her guests. Elwin said cannot.
So i had tu shuffle between clearing, tapping of the keycard on a hungry stomach!
But i didn't want tu complain tu Elwin tu let me eat
cos he was busy enough didn't want tu bother him.
The malay organiser kept packing the food.
Turns out she packed before on her trip tu the hotel
for a press conference previously.
At 8pm, Kim Hock signed my voucher and all the EMs
was joking that if i cannot find, how can they. HAHA!
Elwin told me tu get the food tags for Tuesday and dun lose them.
Found them in the office and realised i forget tu return the keycard tu him.
Went tu return and he told me keep it! WTH
Had tu go and i told him 'see you at 7' and he replied 'dun be late'
HAHA! Cos i last min told Abdul i shall follow all 5 days of the event.
Tuesday, 9March
2nd day of the event.
Elwin gave me the carpark coupons and the BEO tu collect food.
The welcome break and coffee break's food was put tgt as requested.
I LOVE COLLECTING FOOD!!! Esp going tu Pastry! I love the pastry smell.
Elwin told me tu collect food for all the ballrooms:D
The pastry chef even said 'its you again!'
HAHA! Anita asked tu pack again.
Just today, she had 13 boxes of take-away!
The day ended peacefully:D
Wednesday, 10March
Today was the most relaxed day for the event.
My trolley was allowed tu come out as freely as me!
HAHA! Cos i was under ShiPing today. HAHA!
He was new tu the event cos he took over today only and
Elwin was so responsible tu call him early in the morning tu tell
him about the details of the event.
ShiPing looked at the carpark coupons and realised 7 was given
instead of 11 as stated in the BEO=.=
He got his name changed when Anita came.
She heard his name wrongly 2 times from Michael Poo.
ShiPing>ShiTing! HAHA! Great joke tu start the day.
Went tu collect the food since she want 2 breaks tgt.
As Abdul said no lunch break must eat MORE! HAHA!
Went tu Bugis Vault and ShiPing said 'wait wait i want tu steal trolley'
He went and took the trolley and we had 2 trolleys tu collect food for
all the ballrooms! HAHA! Anita wanted the coffee break's food tu be separated.
So ShiPing went down with me tu get the requests done.
He even told the pastry chef ' you nvr realise your muffins go up never come down meh?' HAHA! Cos all da bao! HAHA@
I went up first and was taking the food out plate by plate cos i
had been doing that for the past 2 days@!
ShiPing came out of the lift and laughed at me for doing that
and said 'Just push out la, one plate take until when?'
Then he said he also have tu get out and i was in front blocking so
i had tu push my trolley out too! HAHA!
He created the Joke of the week when a lady asked for A FEW GLASSES.
The guest wanted a few glasses.
ShiPing heard it and told me 'you ask her, a few is how many? A few is 3 leh.
F-E-W few is 3' I laughed at it and i went in tu really take 3!
HAHA! She had tu use the toilet so i wait outside for her.
She only took 2 cos i think she couldn't take 3:X HAHA!
Then ShiPing continued tu say 'later she tell you can i have some? Then give her 4.
Then she tell you sorry can i have some more, give her 8 lo.'
HAHAH! Hear him say it even more funny. Then the guest, Keith
came down and asked ShiPing if they can use the gym at noon.
ShiPing said he have tu check with Christine and when he called
halfway he said 'cos he say a few of them want tu use the gym, but he never say
a few is how many la' then he happen tu turn tu me and i raised 3 tu him.
He look at what i did and laugh while on the phone! HAHA!
Damn fun tu work with him!
Thursday, 11March
Elwin's back! And in a bad mood cos he had tu take care of 3 events!
So he came and did the usuals with me but added that i had tu be on my own
cos i followed so many days i shld know.
I tried my very best not tu disturb him for the day.
Only informed him where i was going and stuff.
A new agent staff came tu help but apparently
not much of help. I don't hate agent staffs, I just dun like the fact
that they think they are some big fuck and so arrogant about it.
Lucky mine is not too bad just that he keeps complaining about the standby.
Oh please, be a man and stop complaining!
Turn over for the wedding on Friday and set the table with Pat.
Elwin got hugged by ShiPing when ShiPing know he was so irritated by the day.
What a hug! Too bad couldn't capture it! HAHA!
Went home at 7pm after refreshing the Ballroom which was in a mess!
Such a big diff from my angmohs who used the room for 3days.
See the diff btwn Singaporeans and Europeans!
Friday, 12 March
My most anticipated day of the week! Last day of the event
that got me stares from the OT staff esp the girl that BF tot was pretty.
WTH! You totally pissed me!
The day passed by quite okay with my fav times of the day: Collecting food!
HAHA! Elwin was in such a good mood today.
He practically can laugh at anything for once.
Mum's event ended cos it was half day.
She deal with the confusing times of the BEO
Cold Kitchen's time of BEO for the break was 3pm, hers was 8am and Steph's was 10am!
HAHA! She had tu ask so many times tu confirm=.=
Had tu go take take-away box again cos somebody took mine.
I really didn't want tu go cos i dun want tu see the OT girl's face
but i had no choice! WTH
Sat down for awhile tu fold water base with Mum
and we heard JinBao and Elwin coming back from refreshing the 6th floor
and they were laughing so loudly we can hear from the ballroom!
They seemed tu be moving the tables but we were lazy tu check them.
After a lot of laughter and talk, they came out.
With 6 IBM tables stacked tgt! Without trolley!
The minute JinBao came out, his face was all red while Elwin cannot stop laughing.
Now we know why they were laughing so much!
They stopped by the table at the Ballroom for a rest and
when we asked why they didn't use a trolley they replied cos they
had nothing better tu do and they want tu find something tu do!
They plan on taking the 6 IBMs tu the 3rd flr using the stairs!
See how free and playful they plan tu be!
It was hard going up so they decide tu half it and take 3 at a time.
Plan hilarious just looking at how they do it. HAHA!
Set for the wedding at night after a very rushed turnover.
Got 'bird' by ShiPing for throwing the keys tu Elwin from the AV room.
LOL, Was damn pissed when i had tu go take takeaway box again
when the event ended long ago! The OT staff were of course
saying again about how much i had take over the 5days.
Was so pissed i didn't want tu talk tu anyone.
Even ignored BF when he called me at the back area.
HuangZhen came and did what he would do when he saw me and i ignore it too.
He walk away and tried the 2nd time and this time he saw how pissed i was.
I have tu be left alone before i cry so i told him later i will say.
After the packing, talked tu MinYi a bit and tie chair covers
and while doing that i told BF what happen and when he asked who.
I said the short hair one and he went 'eh that one very pretty what'
I just said 'F you' and walked off. He tried tu apologise and
i just fling his hand away when he hold me tu say sorry.
Because i was so pissed i didn't notice who was holding me again,
i thought it was BF again but turns out its MinYi.
I got her so upset that i feel so bad.
HuangZhen finally succeeded in calming me down and i told him what happen.
JinBao started tu joke with me and stuff.
Waited for Mum tu come down tu go home and JinBao was annoyed again
that i wasn't staying for the night. He hardly ever come back
and when he did for Monday and today, i wasn't staying.
HAHA! Went home at 7pm and my plan tu sleep at 9pm failed cos of shopping
of electrical appliances for my new home.
Saturday, 13March
Despite sleeping early i still couldn't wake up early!
Like WTH i overslept and sttend tu something and went tu work.
Was on the bus and there is this stupid uncle who couldn't stop
singing children's songs. Like hello, its called children's song for a reason.
My kids sing it like a million times better than you.
At least they can keep ppl happy. You only irritate ppl.
I was in a good mood going tu work for the last day of the week
and this idiot just spoiled it for the day.
He took off his shoes and as expected smelly feet.
I was so irritated i turn tu him as soon as he took it off
and said 'eh wear back la, you think your feet smell nice'
He stared and i stare back and he wore them back.
Please, staring at a self-claimed ah lian doesn't make you threatening:D
He start tu sing again. And i turn and said shut up.
He stared once again and looked away.
I wanted tu change seats but the bus was packed even at 11.30am=.=
So I got tu bear with it. But i am not the kind that can bear with it for long.
He got irritated i think and he supposedly think he can get closer.
HE did sit closer and put his hand like in between us.
I seriously start tu think wth this kind of ppl again.
So i turn and told him 'I dunno if you wash ur hands but i showered so
move those dirty hands away from me'. He even said 'I washed them'
So i said 'oh then i think i forget tu wash my legs so you better dun dirty ur hands'
I heard him say tsk and folded his hands.
Talked tu TJ on the phone and he said he could hear that idiot singing.
Finally Bugis reached and i cannot seem tu care but he sang
and as i was going tu get off i said 'u sing like a broken record
and stop it now cos the bus is filled with ur disgusting and irritating voice'
And i stood up, walked tu the exit and got off the bus:D
After getting off, couldn't help but smile tu myself thinking how rude i was.
And just like what MinYi said, i will meet this kind of ppl
whenever i am alone on the bus=.=
Work for wedding lunch.
Did VIP table even though i was hoping so much i have 2-3 with Minyi!
Turnover for Western at night and even though it was just a simple Western
the minute MP came, it was like the VVVVIP event=.=
Shouting everywhere and anyone. WTH
Was the drinks server very unwillingly but had no choice!
Was at a different end with my love, MinYi
and i got a shock i actually rmb the names of the wines! HAHA!
I got so fed up at the agent staffs serving food for my table.
They keep losing one portion and i got tu go and take.
In the end, i got a scolding from MP saying i wasn't supposed tu be
taking the food, after i explain why then he went tu scold the ppl serving.
WTH get ur facts right before you let words come out of you.
Everyone was tired after the hectic night and we still had tu wait for guests tu go.
In the end, no supper, end at 3am, showered.
When i was at the canteen, took BF's cigarettes cos i know he always
smoke after work while waiting for transport, and cos i failed in the
afternoon trying tu exchange his cigarettes for the lighter.
Home at 4am while texting my lovely Twin:D