Wednesday, 17 March
Met up with MinYi at Bugis tu shop for my shoes.
In the end, i bought a shirt thinking we were
going ice-skating with TeckJin at Kallang.
Wanted tu withdraw $ with Twinnie love but she forgot
tu bring her card, seeing that TJ will be meeting us late,
we decide tu go back tu take her card.
The lift's lights were spoiled and we were in total darkness
as soon as we entered the lift-__-''
Wanted tu go ice skate but seeing the crowd we walked ard,
after seeing the timing, we decide tu see Alice.
It wasn't as bad as i heard from some:D I LOVE RED QUEEN!
HAHA! And MinYi and i were learning the White Queen's actions:D
Met up with Richard and Eric for dinner and movie at Cathay.
Had LJS even though my voice was almost gone=.=
HAHA! Watched Kaiji but i was practically having trouble
watching the movie cos my headache was killing me.
I even told BF tu wake me up if he sees me sleeping!
HAHA! I was awake at exciting parts. Love that movie.
I slept on BF's shoulder halfway thru the movie.
Went home with TJ after the movie.
Wanted BF tu send me home and his reply was
'Do you have any idea how far CCK is from Pasir Ris?'
HAHA! Throw him my jacket and he gave it tu TJ=.=
Caught the last train tu Kranji and cab with TJ tu CCK
and he got off and i cab back home alone.
BF had the heart tu text me whether i reached home.
THANKS FOR IT! And MinYi LOVE text me too! :D
Text BF,MinYi,TJ that i reached home safely at 1.30AM.
Thursday, 18 March
Woke up at 5AM for work at 7am.
Imagine me being super awake even when i didn't sleep alot:D
HAHA! Great achievement baby!
But turns out my shift was cancelled tu HaoLin by KIM!
And she didn't even bother tu inform me like wth
i woke up early for nothing at all. Waste my sleep you know!
Abdul didn't want me tu suffer at the 2nd flr later when event start
so he took me upstairs tu the 3rd flr tu help Aunty BK.
Went tu collect food was my fav thing tu do but with no voice,
i open the door and called chef for 4times then they hear me!
Had tu greet MC 5 times before he knows i was saying Good Morning!
HAHA! Damn funny i sound like a mouse=.=
ShiPing was copying me whenever i talk>.<
Ended work fast fast and home for a good sleep!
Friday 19March
Received results when i was getting ready for work at 9am,
I am happy with a Pass. Ppl ard me shld know why.
If you don't, it just means you are not updated enough:D
Work all the way till 3am.
Afternoon doorgirls was plain torture and i wasn't quite
happy with it too, considering what i deal with.
2-3 with Deborah was okay okay:D
Sunday 21 March
Can i say it was the nicest day ever?
Supposedly doing 2-3 with Twinnie Love.
Last minute Abdul tols me we have 10+1M.
Hate it! 11pax now la>.<
Took setting and the chair all by myself
and set it nicely tu 11pax.
Arranging the chairs and an honest reply given when qns asked:D
Its just really how i felt at that time.
Or rather, all these time, that was how i feel.
Abdul called me over and told me i will do 1-1 for the 11pax table
after the food fanfare. I kept quiet and didn't tell MinYi at all.
When getting ready for 1st course, she said later dun want portion cos
she was too tired for it. My reply was 'You'll have to'
HAHA! She was totally confused by that one sentence! HAHA!
After that, she was still blur blur thinking that she was doing 2-3
HAHA! And the aunties just cannot stop complaining.
How biased we were given 1-1, how HaoLin never help them,
how the youngsters always get the easy job.
Whatever, you aunties always sit down fold napkins, get your butts
stuck on the stupid chair/rack and refuse tu let me take 1 chair!
Always thinking we jave tu obey and show respect just cos you are old.
Oh please, look who is in the wrong. Get your facts right!
HAHA! Abdul told me staff recycle later and he even draw out
the floor plan for me tu see where he put me and others later!
HAHA! I will get back 1 table and the 2-3 will get back 2-3! HAH!
So all the gundu aunties started tu follow and set 'their' table
thinking they will get back the same one so they want tu do nicely.
I went alone tu push the trolley of settings, bowls,teacups and plates.
Damn fucking heavy but as you will see, nobody would say things like
'We go tgt la.'/ 'I help you'
They will just set the plates and quietly wait for the settings tu come.
Like please, the settings dun have legs they wont walk tu the ballrm!
If Abdul never ask me tu push, i wouldn't be so good.
Maybe i will just take for myself and set for myself.
MinYi was asked tu do the solemnization with Deborah so i help
her tu set her table cos nobody set of course=.=
After doing nicely for her table, i realise that my table had nothing!
I was like shit! I forgot about my own table. WTH.
Wanted tu look for settings but they wee all used up meaning my table was
as empty as it can be la. HAHA!
Abdul gave table and all the aunties were saying 'aiya i set nicely alr'
Then they start tu say unfair cos some ppl got 1-1.
Ah Choo came tu say that HaoLin and i were lucky
afternoon and night do 1-1 and somemore so near tu the back area.
We were just so fed up with her we didn't bother at all.
Had tu do cocktail according tu fairness as said by Abdul
Went up tu turnover for 3rd flr and after we finished,
Elwin went 'Okay everybody,well done, please give yourself a round of applause'
HAHA! Pat heard it and said stupid tu him
and he suddenly turn and say its not stupid, its motivation=.=
HAHA! Just like how he lost tu Abdul arguing about the room setting.
HAHA! It was supposed tu be 6 rows but Elwin set 5 rows then
when Abdul told him he said 'nvm, i still have alot of strength'
while he was moving the IBM table out. HAHA! Joke of the day!
My table was supposed tu sit 10pax but only 6 turned up
so imagine the space i had! HAHA!
I portion BIG portions tu the guests till they say they
will take the food themselves cos they cannot finish so much.
HAHA! In the end, i had lots tu eat la! HAHA!
Went inside food store after serving the dessert
and HaoLin said my guests wanted tu give tips tu me but
i wasn't around! There goes my $ HAHA!
So much for eating my udon and forgetting abt my well-behaved guests! HAHA!
Insisted that BF goes back at 11pm and he did.
Anyway, his shift was supposed tu end at 11pm ma.
Told him tu call me down when he leave cos i wanted tu eat Panadol!
HAHA! And his face was damn idiotic when i said 'call me when you go down'
He replied 'Huh, why? Funny leh call you for what?'
I gave him that annoyed look and say not 'call' me is ask me along that call!
HAHA! Seriously, BF's idiotic mind can make me laugh for a long time!
Went down with him and got 2 Flu panadol from aunty jenny,
Went upstairs and told MC i go and eat it.
But the headache just didn't go away.
So decided tu eat the 3rd and last panadol after an hr distance apart.
HuangZhen said better dun but i couldn't care less alr.
So the last panadol was consumed and still didn't feel any better,
started tu stack chairs and no energy at all makes it worse.
The chair nearly fall on me when i adjust tu fit it in.
'CB' kept coming out when the chair didn't go in.
Finished everything by 12 plus.
Went down for supper and shower and our transport was the 1st
tu leave again! HAHA! Love that always:D
Home at 2AM.
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