13 June 2010

Today's the 13th June which means its my meimei's birthday! :D
HAHA! Thanks for always listening tu my problems
and accepting all my jokes and also we have walked thru
the toughest times right?
I hope you had a great day:D HAHA!

Thursday, 10 June
Went to work today despite it being my Mum's birthday.
Don't get the wrong idea, i'm not as unfilial
cos my mum is working on that day too:)
Went home after EC class ended early thanks to teacher's bad throat:X
Headed to work with Mummy after we got ready,
It was the DHL buffet dinner and it was so damn slacked at work that day!
After rushing the report thru the night and did not sleep at all,
School+work = tired ttm!
Imagine waking up since 9am on wed and not sleeping till thursday 1am!
Slacked for almost 2 hrs cos we had tu wait for the seminar tu finish
before the guests would eat their buffet.
Elwin was damn funny cos he could not find me and did not assign me a
place on the buffet line. In the end, i got the one just outside the ballroom.
I sat in the food store and when the guests came out, i just stood thr.
Spacing out i guess till guests came to pass me their plates i start tu clear.
Realise that this woman will pack food so Elwin told me to watch her.
Thanks Elwin, that was the best job i can ever get:D
Watching is what i do best! HAHA!
So i really literally watched her and stare at her eat! I know i seem
really bad but she doesn't even care.
She switched places so i switched too.
I just followed her like superglue! :D HAHA!
Then she did not pack cos i was watching and this other woman told me
if i could give her the olives so i told her its against hotel policy.
She said 'you dun have tu pack it for me, it's ok just do your own stuff'
I realise i cant get thru tu her so i went in ballroom tu call for Elwin.
And Elwin told her that if she wants tu pack, ID please:D
HAHA! These guests are seriously the ones why our image is affected!
Turnover for the wedding on Friday and Abdul had a little celebration
for Mum since its her birthday. Elwin told me to frame up the signage
after i'm done eating the cake and he disappeared!
I couldn't find the frame and wanted tu open the closet.
Jianwei said he has the key so i told him tu open.
I stepped inside tu take the frame and shaocong trick me tu turning behind
and so i saw them close the door on me. Slammed the door shut, pressed their
weight on it and locked the door. Banging, screaming and crying inside
saying for the most number of times i am claustrophobic and beg them
tu let me out. Only when the housekeeping auntie passed by, thats when
i am free. Even though it probably only last for a minute
its enough to let me die from shock. Childish behaviour coming
from 2 guys who are alr older than me! Thats a prank you should
never play. Like what SiMin said, when someone says she's scared,you dun play with it. But apparently, they think its a prank they cannot miss out.
I wonder where i got the strength to push against the door
of the food store when they wanted tu barge in tu 'comfort' me.
Well, save those rubbish. Don't even start it in the first place.
I was okay after i let it all out and cry. Went back into the ballroom
and saw the extra frame that they help me tu take out.
Of course, i refuse tu use it. You mean i have tu get pranked on before
i can get that fucking frame. Went up tu the third flr alone and found no frame.
I shocked Elwin when i nearly bumped into him.
Asked him for the key tu the closet and went down tu open it tu take the frame.
This time, i bang every door i open or close so if you see any dents
when you next go back tu work, its me.
Found 2 frames and i framed up the signage.
Next thing that i do was show them i dun need their dirty fucking frame.
Took the frame back outside the ballroom and open the closet once again
and throw the frame back inside the closet right in front of them.
Thats what you get for playing with me.
Went home at 11pm, fucking pissed at the both of them.
Went out tu give Jun Da his voucher at the bar, ignoring the irritating calls
and just walking off after finishing my task.
Nightmares are on since then and there's nothing i can do to stop them.
Guess its going tu take eons before i dare tu enter lifts and toilet cubicles again.
I swear that i won't talk tu them ever again and true enough
i can joke and play and laugh with anyone in InterCon but them.
FUck off from me. Not my friend anymore, not even fit tu be a colleague.

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