28 June 2010

2 days of not so nice-working day:X


Went tu work at 11am.
Wedding lunch and my guests were perfectly fine and i had only one table.
6 pax at a table and they can finish the whole of the lunch for 10 pax.
They drank alot but very slowly. Only quicken their pace towards the
end of the wedding lunch and i had tu go in and out getting glasses and glasses
of white wine for the guests and the bride. They had all the wine they wanted
since the bride's family was into night-club business. SiMin went back at 5pm after
she got an aunty tu replace her. Well girl,i should have went back with you!
1-2 at night was the worst after one wedding lunch.
Abdul, next time you give me a special table, don't get me a reserve/table!
Nobody can cope with that and not messing up.
6 individual chinese, 4 veg sitting at a table supposedly easy since
you don't have to serve them and your susan would be the cleanest
but with another table that needs service, its a diff thing.
Lucky for me, i end my shift at 11pm and went home for a rest.

SUNDAY, 27 June

Went tu work at 12pm, helped Mum with the stg lunch
BF was asking if i'm sick when i am half sick, half tired.
HAHA! I'm super tired after two weddings!
Went back up tu 2nd flr at ard 3.30pm after ShiPing gave Suhaimi
Excelsis & John for turnover. 2 useless staff-.-
ShiPing is so damn obsessed with his Godfinger game ttm!
Rain, lightning,sun and floods! LOL!
He even refused tu see Rebecca's text when i wanted tu show him.
Door-girl with Yee Ping and my table was also okay.
Till after i serve noodles and clear my empty platter.
I fell:X Quite a hard fall considering i am still in the same amt of pain now.
Even after so many hours. I still feel the same as ytd. Unable tu bend and sit.
Sit for long time and stand equals tu hell for me.
The chefs were as shocked as Kim Hock seeing me sit thr for so long.
Thanks tu Kim Hock i stood back up and tried walking but the pain was so
overwhelming i sat back down as soon as i reach the soft drinks bar:X
Chefs were saying its impossible i can still serve but thinking only dessert
was left, i thought just bear with it till it ends.
So i took my bowls and spoons but my right hand was in a bad condition
after the fall so ShaoCong set the bowls for me. I just waited tu serve
the dessert and took it out as soon as can pick up.
Serve fast and went tu the office tu sit cos Kim Hock told me to.
Then stayed for turnover and did as light stuff as i could.
Could not bend tu pick up napkins/table cloth.
Drag the susan off the table instead of carrying it like i would normally do.
Sat down after turnover and right elbow was swollen and in pain.
Unable tu lift it up now, how am i going tu carry my bag and stuff these few days.
I'll see if i need replace this fri, sat and sun:X

23 June 2010

Yup i know, i should update more often...
Plain lazy and work was just happening!
Elwin's incident of getting punched.
How agents staff turn BQT upside down.
How peaceful work will be without them.
BF was spot-on, without them, we're faster and more peaceful.
At least i can drink at the back when i want to.
With them, the only advantage is just having one table all tu myself
but what's the use? I still have tu take care of them cos ard me,
there wont be even one BQT staff in sight!
Benie said since i have so much bad things happening at work, why don't i quit?

10th June, Peaceful night at work without the agents.
Elwin said it was the best night ever.
He took the trouble with Abdul to get 2 cakes for Mum
cos it was her birthday(:

11th June, the disastrous day where agents came.
So many of them the canteen was flooded-.-
One staff at the other side of me was giving the guests and staff problems.
I didn't bother till towards the end when it was dessert time.
I told him tu serve first then clear then he gave attitude.
He went tu the back and BF told him tu take bowls rushing him.
Then the guests had tu take up the platter of rice for him!
IF you were tu list out the wrong things, my fingers wont be enough(:
I went tu the back and told Abdul about it then he actually ask me tu recognize him.
I'm like i dun even rmb how he looks like-.-
Went out and took a glance at his face and went back tu Abdul.
Elwin was pissed after hearing what i said abt the guests talking among themselves.
He just told the agent tu change his pass and go.
Then it went on and on and something bad happen.
After that, i had to be the translator for the china agent and Sunny.
After translating, i had tu follow them down tu Security.
I forgot the agent's ID card and had tu go back and take.
Then Elwin forgot the photocopy of the agent's voucher so again i have tu run up.
After running down, i realise one piece of the voucher was missing-.-
I just had a free session of exercise from the F&B office to lobby-.-
I was involved thru out the whole thing all the nosy aunties
kept asking me what happened and so on. But i just said its ok now.
Went tu the back and as promised tu BF, i told him the 'story' LOL!
He's so damn interested in it la! Kept asking me whenever i ran by the ballroom.
So i sat down while he set the glasses and i closed vouchers.
And i realised i still cat do 2 things at once-.-
When i am talking to BF, i cant close voucher.
Then i cant calculate the exact number of hrs and had tu ask him for help.
I kept whining all night for his Milo so he said if i told the 'story'
he would make Milo for me! HAHA! Good exchange so i finish telling
and closing the vouchers without a mistake:D HAHA!
Bf, made Milo as promised after turnover at supper:D
I swear he looks damn cool when he held the agent down(random:X)

20 June at work was equally irritating too.
9am at work and the wedding lunch was smooth just that the bride was troublesome.
There;s this agent supposedly helping Bf at the back but he's better
off not there cos he just sit thr and play with his phone.
Goes missing from time to time and slacks alot!
I didn't sleep well and was quite fed up with aunty in the morning.
Sometimes, they just piss me off. BP aunties too.
Went for dinner break and i asked BF for Milo.
He wasn;t making it so he said at night.
So guess what i have been holding out for, the Milo at supper! HAHA!
I was so freaking tired when i was doing the rehearsal for the
march in of the sword bearers before the couple with Jun Da.
They were a funny bunch of people, very nice and polite.
6 times of repeated opening and closing of doors cos they could not be in sync.
Finally they did it and they started planning their pranks on the groom.
Found out during work that one agent used the microwave for himself!
I was like wtf, i have been working for nearly 2 yrs i dun even know
how tu on the mocrowave at the kitchen and he knows how tu use it-.-
Kim Hock was so cool raising his voice at the agents.
They simply deserve it seriously.
Thankfully Abdul's changing them this week.
Hopefully when i go back in the weekends, better groom-ed people are seen:D

13 June 2010

Today's the 13th June which means its my meimei's birthday! :D
HAHA! Thanks for always listening tu my problems
and accepting all my jokes and also we have walked thru
the toughest times right?
I hope you had a great day:D HAHA!

Thursday, 10 June
Went to work today despite it being my Mum's birthday.
Don't get the wrong idea, i'm not as unfilial
cos my mum is working on that day too:)
Went home after EC class ended early thanks to teacher's bad throat:X
Headed to work with Mummy after we got ready,
It was the DHL buffet dinner and it was so damn slacked at work that day!
After rushing the report thru the night and did not sleep at all,
School+work = tired ttm!
Imagine waking up since 9am on wed and not sleeping till thursday 1am!
Slacked for almost 2 hrs cos we had tu wait for the seminar tu finish
before the guests would eat their buffet.
Elwin was damn funny cos he could not find me and did not assign me a
place on the buffet line. In the end, i got the one just outside the ballroom.
I sat in the food store and when the guests came out, i just stood thr.
Spacing out i guess till guests came to pass me their plates i start tu clear.
Realise that this woman will pack food so Elwin told me to watch her.
Thanks Elwin, that was the best job i can ever get:D
Watching is what i do best! HAHA!
So i really literally watched her and stare at her eat! I know i seem
really bad but she doesn't even care.
She switched places so i switched too.
I just followed her like superglue! :D HAHA!
Then she did not pack cos i was watching and this other woman told me
if i could give her the olives so i told her its against hotel policy.
She said 'you dun have tu pack it for me, it's ok just do your own stuff'
I realise i cant get thru tu her so i went in ballroom tu call for Elwin.
And Elwin told her that if she wants tu pack, ID please:D
HAHA! These guests are seriously the ones why our image is affected!
Turnover for the wedding on Friday and Abdul had a little celebration
for Mum since its her birthday. Elwin told me to frame up the signage
after i'm done eating the cake and he disappeared!
I couldn't find the frame and wanted tu open the closet.
Jianwei said he has the key so i told him tu open.
I stepped inside tu take the frame and shaocong trick me tu turning behind
and so i saw them close the door on me. Slammed the door shut, pressed their
weight on it and locked the door. Banging, screaming and crying inside
saying for the most number of times i am claustrophobic and beg them
tu let me out. Only when the housekeeping auntie passed by, thats when
i am free. Even though it probably only last for a minute
its enough to let me die from shock. Childish behaviour coming
from 2 guys who are alr older than me! Thats a prank you should
never play. Like what SiMin said, when someone says she's scared,you dun play with it. But apparently, they think its a prank they cannot miss out.
I wonder where i got the strength to push against the door
of the food store when they wanted tu barge in tu 'comfort' me.
Well, save those rubbish. Don't even start it in the first place.
I was okay after i let it all out and cry. Went back into the ballroom
and saw the extra frame that they help me tu take out.
Of course, i refuse tu use it. You mean i have tu get pranked on before
i can get that fucking frame. Went up tu the third flr alone and found no frame.
I shocked Elwin when i nearly bumped into him.
Asked him for the key tu the closet and went down tu open it tu take the frame.
This time, i bang every door i open or close so if you see any dents
when you next go back tu work, its me.
Found 2 frames and i framed up the signage.
Next thing that i do was show them i dun need their dirty fucking frame.
Took the frame back outside the ballroom and open the closet once again
and throw the frame back inside the closet right in front of them.
Thats what you get for playing with me.
Went home at 11pm, fucking pissed at the both of them.
Went out tu give Jun Da his voucher at the bar, ignoring the irritating calls
and just walking off after finishing my task.
Nightmares are on since then and there's nothing i can do to stop them.
Guess its going tu take eons before i dare tu enter lifts and toilet cubicles again.
I swear that i won't talk tu them ever again and true enough
i can joke and play and laugh with anyone in InterCon but them.
FUck off from me. Not my friend anymore, not even fit tu be a colleague.

09 June 2010

It's been 4 days.
Packed with assignments. 15 June is my 'freedom' day!
Not really able to work in holidays too.
Reason: I have to attend classes in holidays!
WTF seriously-.- Like what Michelle said : Take away my holidays, don't give me better, just take them all la.
It's so true, what holiday is this? I dun even get tu rest.
My form of rest is working but apparently i cant even work.
I even had tu turn down Min Yi's shopping invite>.<
I started on ITA and i am done on the personal information part.
Now i have also done my evaluation on the web games using the rubric.
Now what's left? Posting it up on the ITA blog and doing the report.
SafeAssign too! And LA plans evaluation.
Thankful to those who constantly helped me along the way.

The post ends here about my updates cos below i am just writing angrily
so as a warning 'Don't read' !

No matter old or new, i know this house holds no more meaning for you to be here anymore. Because you feel that rubbish is worth more than you right? In my case i dun think so. Its just that you gave away your chance. Where were you on Monther's Day? You were in fucking Taiwan. Why? Cos you had to choose between friends and FAMILY and you CANNOT reject the offer of going there because your friend has paid for you. Face. Do you know what it means to parents? I dun think you do because you absolutely saved no face for your OWN parents. By making your friends pay for your travel trip because they WANT you to go, you think it is an honour to us parents that hey i have a daughter whose friends are fucking generous is it?Well, if you think it is so, think again you bitch! By having them pay, not only do you bring shame to your parents, you also make them lose face like they never did. Since young, you SEEMED to be the most matured, understnading things on your ownm, doing things your way, being smart, excel in your studies. So much so to the extent that Mum thought she didn't have tu at least WORRY about you. But look who's talking now? You are no longer the same. You know i used to hate myself when i compare myself to you because you seem to do well in almost what you study. You do so well in primary and secondary school, till the point that you got into JC and i thought i was never going to make it pass. When i could go to JC too, i told myself i would never choose the same path as you. Reason not being i dun like being in JC but because i wanted to stop getting myself compared to you! I thought if i went to JC, i would again tell myself i HAVE to be like you. I chose Poly and wasn't as smooth as you but again as i grow up i learnt something. What i used to hate is what i enjoy now. I used to hate myself because i felt i can never be like you, doing well and get Dad and Mum proud of you. Now, I love comparing myself to you. Because i do what i love in my school, i say what i want. And on top of that, i dun give my most impt ppl on this Earth HEARTACHES but you do! You treat this place as a hotel isn't it? If you say you don't and we are accusing you, i'll quit school and be your maid. You are fucking irritating to the point that i often tell friends i rather i have no sister! I even told Fi i would rather i am an only like him! He says there are pros and cons well of course but i would rather my parents have no daughter like you! Which daughter forgets Mother's Day? YOU! Which daughter treats her own home as a hotel? YOU! Which daughter doesn't even be bothered to address her own parents? YOU YOU YOU again! Can't you call them when you see them? Can't you have the courtesy to tell parts of what you did everyday? Can't you remember to talk nicely? You have been given a scolding by Mum but again i expected you to not last for 3 days. I was right! Fucking damn right about you. I gave lots of advice to Mum about you. I know those words are fucking hurtful to her but again thats who i am. You didn't piss me off, you straightaway killed me thats all. I am that kind of person i admit. The minute i lose faith in you, thats it. I have been fooled too many times in my 18 years of life i know more to lies. I won't know if you are telling a lie maybe due tu your fabulous acting skills but let me tell you, if i were to know, you can never imagine what i can do. Wearing a big fat fucking mask right in front of my face is what i do best. I won't show you my emotions, i won't let you have the feeling that i am trying to get info from you. Instead, you would feel like i am CONCERNING you and wants to know more about your life. Well, i really want to know more about the amazing wasted life you have. 21 years what have you been doing? If you cannot answer that, let me. You have been changing for the worst, wasting your life, turning into a spenthrift, insulting your own parents and successfully treating your FAMILY as hotel staffs whom you can dun give a damn about(: THats what you have been doing all these fucking years. Why did you change? How come you have changed to this point? What made you change? Who made you change? Didn't we give you enough concern? We did but you were the one who is shutting us out. You used to tell us what happen, now you don't. Mum knows what kind of a daughter i am. I am an introvert by nature and i am serious if you dun believe it. I dun voice out my thoughts as well as other people do. And when i don't get my way, i throw tempers. When i don't understand things, i break down. My sisters have the habit of telling. Total opposite from me yes but again now Mum knows i don't have the habit of telling. I love to keep. Secrets, happenings, everything about me. Dad once said i was the 'happy nut' of this family. I bring joy to him with my nonsensical stuff over the years. Even in my letters wrote to him i wrote nonsense stuff thinking that would make him touched. I tell funny, random and idiotic jokes during mealtimes to see my family laugh and smile. I say i would give treat when parents feel we are eating too luxurious stuff. I used to think i have a perfect family. Now i think that way to but i have a PERFECT FAMILY OF FOUR now. I should tell you all these heartfelt feelings of mine but i won't cos i thought you would be smart (just like you were) to figure it out. But again, i now know, that smart brain of yours has been long thrown away by you, replaced by that useless rusty brain now. That you can't take in advice or opinions. Carry on bitch, carry on one day you would come to realise that all this are not worth. Don't cherish something only when its gone. CHerish it while it is still with you. A piece of advice i know you won't take : Friends are important just like family are. But one most important thing. You can have another friend who loves you but would you be able to have another family who loves you as much as we do? Think about it if you even have the time. THere's this question that most people like to ask their boyf 'If your mum and I were to fall into the sea, who would you save?' If your boyf answers 'of course its you' to YOU, then you might as well dump him. You may feel happy he place you in front of his mum but think again, he can have a gf like you but can he have another mum like his? NEVER! FAMILY to me equates to Father And Mother I Love You. But to you, i think it equates to Friends And Man I Love You.
Fuck out of my life! You need us for MONEY thats all. Not LOVE! Since that's the case, why are you here? Gratefulness, appreciating efforts, you hold none!

05 June 2010

Long time no see? Not really long actually, whatever:D
I just had 3 big baked potatoes at home!
How cool is that? Waiting for it to be ready in the oven!
It's the best food ever:D Maybe i shld eat that every meal?
HAHA! What nutrients does a potato have?

Enough about potatoes,
My life has been a bit relaxed without work.
But no work = no money!
Oh well, assignments obviously comes first.
The worst part abt studying: ASSIGNMENTS!!!
If only school meant making new friends only~
HAHA! Attachment was okay apart from the fact i have a LOUSY mentor.
Thats why i refuse to change to M____ in my personal info.
Gloryland is still the best seriously!
I love Joshua Gow ttm! Handsome, cute, smart<3
HAHA! I kept tweet-ing abt it all this while!
I should stop before Joshua stops telling me he loves me.
He like on par with Bryan in my heart. HAHA!
I have conquered EC's individual assignment thankfully
and now i just realise i ahve ALOT to catch up on
after the fact that i skipped school for nearly one month
only choosing to go for tutorials on thurs.
I see so many X on my attendance sheet ever since i
start to sign on them recently. I start having the
X X X X since the first friday that school reopen.
Don't ask me why. You shld be smart enough to know if you're my friend.
I gotten over it but it still stays every single day
but oh well, i shall not let it defeat me again.
I have resilience more than anybody else!
Just knew that there is this lady EM in BQT.
She cant work for nuts i heard but i would like to see for myself.
After 15th June i shall resume my workaholic spirit for one week!
HAHA! Hope i'm not too rusty by then:X
I miss work, the ppl there, the jokes and laughter and to add on the $$$!
$.$ HAHA! 15th june when DLE is done i shall start.
10th June is going tu be a special day
cos it's my mum's birthday! Preparing the gift with Meimei.
The big one i just fuck care. Made me lose sleep last night
with your silly actions and the loud scolding from Dad!
Why do you always fail to change your habits?
A leopard cant change its spots. This phrase was designed for YOU!
Having a study room now does not mean the computer can be on till forever.
It's not homework just shut the fucking computer off!
THere's obviously nothing wrong with playing games but
look at the time, sleep is never enough for me cos of assignments
and when i finally decide to be lazy and sleep early, i get woken up by
Dad cos he was scolding you to off the com! Like wtf, i want to sleep
but i cant cos i have assignments to rush, you have nothing to do,
you can sleep but you choose not to, If you have so much time want to help me out?
Woo~ Relax baby, it's over>.<

Whatever it is, i dun like you, your attitude, the way you behave, full stop.
Tmrw's the day i have been anticipating this week!
Sunday, finally i get to see those ppl i miss!
Those fun ppl at work. Hopefully most of them turn up:X
SiMin and MinYi is coming too! My two lovely ladies<3<3
Cant wait tu see you tmrw!
I'm a bit disappointed BF has to work and can't come.
YongQiang was invited but he has to book in on sundays):
Abdul has not replied till now and Suhaimi
ShiPing has to work too.
Richard has exams on the coming week.
Seems like alot of ppl are not coming right?
Lol, ordered food for 40pax and Mum is going to prepare more food on her own!
Sotong balls! And marshmallows.
Excuse me, you have guests geraldine mok. HAHA!
I booked the sotong balls ! :D
I shall start to finish my lesson plans and have them all printed out on Monday for submission on 10th June.
Meimei's birthday is coming too. On the 13th
What shall i get for her?
Maybe i see where i can get a song for sisters and sing it to her on her birthday