25 June 2009

Working Day.

Woke up at 5am tu go for work at 7am.
And for some stupid reason i was not awake
and couldn really process so i didn really respond
tu Pandian when he talk tu mii but i know what
he want mii tu do which kind of shut him up.
had tu bring a guest tu the training room but
Pandian tot i went tu slack and started tu ask where
i go and i was v fed up alr. Cos the guests alr piss mii
off, i working all alone at 3rd floor, and everytime i went
off tu do sth, he calls! I told him 'eh i go bring guest
tu the training room la. I never slack ok' .
Then he realise he was wrong. Lolx.
Damn fed up with him ganjiong like hell today.
Fell down at the pantry =.=
Lucky nobody see^.^
But somehow i got cuts and scratches on my hand.
My nail polish all come off ):

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