Okay, after 5days i am completely drained of energy.
Not even one full day of sleep after adding up
the number of hours that i sleep.
It was unexpected and definitely not what i wished for.
Walking the last 3 rounds at the wake, i cannot hold back the tears.
I am a strong girl and don't show my emotions.
Considering i was holding the hand of my pretty 7-yr old cousin,
i didn't want tu shock her with my overwhelming of emotions.
Looking at Gran for the last 3 times, it really hurts
to know that you can no longer see that face of hers, hear
that voice and feel that touch from her.
I regret not cherishing the time i have with her.
She came over to stay when there was this period that
Dad and uncle have tu take turns taking care of Gran.
I remembered how i rejected that idea like it was the worst of my life.
How i dread going home everyday because i dun want tu see her.
How i ignore her calls and pretend i didn't hear.
How i wish the maid could understand her so i dun have tu translate.
How i think she dirty my bed with her medicated oil smell.
How i hated having tu share rooms just because i have tu give up
my room with Meimei for her and the maid.
Then there was this shocking news that she was admitted tu hospital
where all the bad stuff start tu come.
How the doctor said she have less than 3mths and
i was so afraid she would be gone before CNY but she survived that.
Mum said its not good tu die ard big occasions.
She survived CNy but wasn't able tu avoid Qing Ming Festival.
She died on the very last day of Qing Ming.
There was this praying mantis who was discovered by Sebastian on Monday
and after that got scared away when ShuWen tried tu take a pic.
This morning, it was found on the flowers at the hall,
we shook the flowers, disturbed it but it just stayed there.
Left the flowers on the coffin and i went tu take a look.
I saw this amazing thing that happened.
It actually lifted its front legs and brushed past its eye as if
it was wiping away tears. Mum said it could only be two possibilities.
1. Thats great-grandmother
2. Ye Ye came and fetch Great grandma tu be with him
I wished it was the second one of course.
Headed tu the crematorium and the praying mantis was still on the flower.
The uncle covered the coffin with the red cloth and fling the mantis
away from the coffin tu the ground. I actually still saw the mantis stay
put on the ground not moving an inch. After the last rites,
we headed to the viewing hall, the part i dread the most,
walking there, i saw the praying mantis again facing the exit.
I was at the spot where i could see the whole process of the cremation.
Emotions flow throughout the hall as the coffin was moved closer
and closer towards the furnace. The doors opened
and the spark i saw and that was the last i saw of Great Grandma.
5 days at the wake was no easy task,
lack of sleep, lack of food and water,
If there is a next life, i still want her as my GReat Grandma.
Thanks to BF for all the 5days,
sorry i had tu keep disturbing you late at night.
And according tu you, technically you were only thr for 2days
but i think you should know thats quite enough.
Minyi, sorry i haven been texting you.
I think by now you should have known what happen.
I wanted tu text you but the thing is i cannot text often
and i dun want tu let you wait and wait for my reply
which mayb i will be too tired and forgot tu text back.
I miss talking tu you, working and going out with you
but all these will have tu wait.
I still cant get over the death, after the whole process,
i am still overwhelmed by the sudden departure.
I think by now the smiley, joking,nonsensical me wont be seen
as much, i don't think i can take things the same way.
Sometimes, death just shows you a different side of life.
Geraldine, 19 Early Childhood Graduate, Ngee Ann Poly Absolutely adore hanging out with my fav girls! Parties are welcomed too~
27 April 2010
23 April 2010
Grandma, i'll miss you every year on this day
23 April, today, Grandma left this world.
I forgot to spend time with her when i can.
I even feel ashamed i disliked her before.
For coming to stay at my house, making me squeeze
in my already very cramped house with sisters.
I always thought how i would feel if she were to leave.
Nothing was what i thought.
But it turns out, it was the opposite.
When i saw the text Mum send me in the morning,
i teared and cried unstoppable for a full hour.
Till my tears all dried up, till i couldn't breathe properly,
till i felt like my world was breaking apart.
A loved one departing is a feeling that everyone dreads.
I was not expecting to see the shocking text.
After crying for half an hr plus, i suddenly felt
i want somebody to talk to, and i went thru my contacts.
BF should be the first one i call but i called and hung up.
In the end, i comfortably called Aloysius,
the one i could always talk tu abt my problems.
Not because i liked him before but because i just felt he would be thr.
True enough, he was. Like always, i tried as hard tu hold back
my tears, trying not tu sound like i was crying.
I think i succeeded but i cut the call quick knowing i was on it again.
R.I.P Grandma. I really don't want to be in the funeral but
i know this is all true, its all happening, undeniable.
I Love You for always
I forgot to spend time with her when i can.
I even feel ashamed i disliked her before.
For coming to stay at my house, making me squeeze
in my already very cramped house with sisters.
I always thought how i would feel if she were to leave.
Nothing was what i thought.
But it turns out, it was the opposite.
When i saw the text Mum send me in the morning,
i teared and cried unstoppable for a full hour.
Till my tears all dried up, till i couldn't breathe properly,
till i felt like my world was breaking apart.
A loved one departing is a feeling that everyone dreads.
I was not expecting to see the shocking text.
After crying for half an hr plus, i suddenly felt
i want somebody to talk to, and i went thru my contacts.
BF should be the first one i call but i called and hung up.
In the end, i comfortably called Aloysius,
the one i could always talk tu abt my problems.
Not because i liked him before but because i just felt he would be thr.
True enough, he was. Like always, i tried as hard tu hold back
my tears, trying not tu sound like i was crying.
I think i succeeded but i cut the call quick knowing i was on it again.
R.I.P Grandma. I really don't want to be in the funeral but
i know this is all true, its all happening, undeniable.
I Love You for always
19 April 2010
BF said no more skipping of class after i told him i missed sch today.
WTH! Think i will cab tu sch and cab back home.
9am-6pm of class. With 3 hrs of break in btwn.
I am simply too tired tu wait and squeeze on the bus alr.
I must cut down on vulgarities thanks tu Eric!
BF bought me chicken on the last day of his work! HAHA!
<3 the chicken!!! HAHA!
Text BF a while ago abt his first day at sch.
He said quite average looking and a pretty girl stayed near him. WTH!
WTH! Think i will cab tu sch and cab back home.
9am-6pm of class. With 3 hrs of break in btwn.
I am simply too tired tu wait and squeeze on the bus alr.
I must cut down on vulgarities thanks tu Eric!
BF bought me chicken on the last day of his work! HAHA!
<3 the chicken!!! HAHA!
Text BF a while ago abt his first day at sch.
He said quite average looking and a pretty girl stayed near him. WTH!
15 April 2010
Just saw 11:11 and wished BF could work on this sunday!
Please, please,please oh whatever la. HAHA!
Had a fun day at work today despite the boredom.
ShiPing and his usual madness as the manager.
Refresh the ballroom of 70 pitchers and Elwin did the most amazing
but equally dumb thing. Pushed the cambro into the ballroom
and he just cannot aim at the pitchers when he refilled them!
The water was everywhere on top of the cambro.
Looked after the Indian buffet line.
Afthe lunch, was pure boring ttm!
I spend my afternoon walking tu and fro the kitchen and foyer and back area!
Cos the event was on, we could not pass thru the ballroom,
if we need anything, the kitchen or the terrace would be the place we go.
Thinking the terrace was hot and i hate opening doors after doors.
I went by the kitchen area. With nothing in my hands, nothing to do.
I even had time tu give myself a break all the way down tu B1.
Normally i would just give up going down. Hate waiting for the dumb lift!
So i walked around and watched the chefs make buns.
The chef who made pau even said tu me there is a supposedly kids song
but it is actually a ghostly and eerie song.
the lyrics sound perfectly alright but look closely.
Meimei was carrying the doll in the garden admiring the flowers.
When she was looking for the mummy, how come its the doll that cry and not the meimei, and the chef still said somemore the bird on the tree still laughed!
I was like no what its not eerie.Then the other chef explained i was like
'hey it sounds kind of funny now!'
Then the chef said 'the best song is 世上只有爸爸好
I immediately said 妈妈la! Then he continue said papa.
He want also dun have cos his dad died alr.
Had a great time laughing at the kitchen with the nonsensical things the chefs
said while they were busy making buns and food.
Suhaimi was eating with us during the break and ShiPing, Elwin and Pat's
argument made all of us, including him laughed like mad!
HAHA! It was a fun day thru out.
Especially when standby is not a must for Exxon! <3 it!
Tmrw's the same too! Cant wait for the countless times of walking back and forth!
I hate to reject other ppl and i dunno how tu say no.
So i end up accepting favours and food and anything from ppl.
I think its what made me offer ppl food and sweets all the time.
But i dun like ppl tu reject my food=.=
Please, please,please oh whatever la. HAHA!
Had a fun day at work today despite the boredom.
ShiPing and his usual madness as the manager.
Refresh the ballroom of 70 pitchers and Elwin did the most amazing
but equally dumb thing. Pushed the cambro into the ballroom
and he just cannot aim at the pitchers when he refilled them!
The water was everywhere on top of the cambro.
Looked after the Indian buffet line.
Afthe lunch, was pure boring ttm!
I spend my afternoon walking tu and fro the kitchen and foyer and back area!
Cos the event was on, we could not pass thru the ballroom,
if we need anything, the kitchen or the terrace would be the place we go.
Thinking the terrace was hot and i hate opening doors after doors.
I went by the kitchen area. With nothing in my hands, nothing to do.
I even had time tu give myself a break all the way down tu B1.
Normally i would just give up going down. Hate waiting for the dumb lift!
So i walked around and watched the chefs make buns.
The chef who made pau even said tu me there is a supposedly kids song
but it is actually a ghostly and eerie song.
the lyrics sound perfectly alright but look closely.
Meimei was carrying the doll in the garden admiring the flowers.
When she was looking for the mummy, how come its the doll that cry and not the meimei, and the chef still said somemore the bird on the tree still laughed!
I was like no what its not eerie.Then the other chef explained i was like
'hey it sounds kind of funny now!'
Then the chef said 'the best song is 世上只有爸爸好
I immediately said 妈妈la! Then he continue said papa.
He want also dun have cos his dad died alr.
Had a great time laughing at the kitchen with the nonsensical things the chefs
said while they were busy making buns and food.
Suhaimi was eating with us during the break and ShiPing, Elwin and Pat's
argument made all of us, including him laughed like mad!
HAHA! It was a fun day thru out.
Especially when standby is not a must for Exxon! <3 it!
Tmrw's the same too! Cant wait for the countless times of walking back and forth!
I hate to reject other ppl and i dunno how tu say no.
So i end up accepting favours and food and anything from ppl.
I think its what made me offer ppl food and sweets all the time.
But i dun like ppl tu reject my food=.=
Oh BF):
Seriously, BF must you do it everytime?
Disappoint me after i thought you had agreed.
I thought you were really okay with the shift.
Turns out you just didn't cancel it in front of me.
Well, maybe i expected too much from the very little you can give.
One day and the last day, mayb just that one day.
I did too much, expected too much.
I was happy seeing the pop-up window when you came online.
Thought you had forgotten about ur shift, i reminded you.
Turns out you thought i booked 5pm for you, it's 9am!
All the way till 2am. So that i could work longer with you.
Thinking that you wont cancel sunday's work.
My mood just dropped totally when you kept saying you cant.
It's like those days i wake up and just feel moody for no reason.
Now there is a reason. I wont get pissed like i used tu.
I learned not to be, i just got disappointed.
Each time disappoint comes to me, receiving it silently is what i do.
I end up not knowing how tu react when ppl greet me, talk tu me.
That's me but i really don't like it the way i behave.
I feel so rude.
Disappoint me after i thought you had agreed.
I thought you were really okay with the shift.
Turns out you just didn't cancel it in front of me.
Well, maybe i expected too much from the very little you can give.
One day and the last day, mayb just that one day.
I did too much, expected too much.
I was happy seeing the pop-up window when you came online.
Thought you had forgotten about ur shift, i reminded you.
Turns out you thought i booked 5pm for you, it's 9am!
All the way till 2am. So that i could work longer with you.
Thinking that you wont cancel sunday's work.
My mood just dropped totally when you kept saying you cant.
It's like those days i wake up and just feel moody for no reason.
Now there is a reason. I wont get pissed like i used tu.
I learned not to be, i just got disappointed.
Each time disappoint comes to me, receiving it silently is what i do.
I end up not knowing how tu react when ppl greet me, talk tu me.
That's me but i really don't like it the way i behave.
I feel so rude.
10 April 2010
Quick quick post before Mum completes her Wii Bowling and i have tu sleep.
Nicole's new April mix was nice.
I just didn't know most of the songs inside but it brings up the mood alot.
Definitely great help i were tu be on the bus on the way tu work 7am!
I will be wide awake , mood high at work unlike the usual.
HAHA! Chatted with BF online just now and this silly BF
of mine didn't smoke today at all! It's a great achievement man!
Hope your tattoo determination stops you from spending $20 every week
on that useless and harmfulpack of sticks! HAHA!
I shall change it tu Ricola next time i see it in your pocket again.
HAHA! Hey. doesn't it mean i have tu prepare Ricola with me everytime? No way!
And BF, please please get me sweets tmrw when you come for work!
You cancelled your sunday shift, make up for it!
And WGS, i booked for you and you said no, no and NO! no matter how much i beg you.
Today, that dumbass woman just 'forced' you and yes was the answer. WTF!
You dumb dumb dumb BF!
SiMin dear just came back from BKK safe and sound and she got me stuff
from Bangkok! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I have the same thing as MinYi but a diff color.
Hope its pink! HAHA! I really like pink stuff. Nails, phone, laptop,nail polish remover, and i would love to get a pink wallet! HAHA!
I shall get it on tuesday mayb on my shopping trip! HAHA!
My list are so long ~ I want tu buy make up mist! Pink, yellow or blue?
Shall ask BF tmrw(: HAHA!
Prata and prawn noodles for breakfast tmrw morning!
Thanks to my lovely lovely Daddy who is driving me tu work before going
tu pray at Grandpa's house. Thanks tu him i am being rich again soon!
Ppl who know me would have known how close and loving
my Grandpa and I are. And ppl who know me well enough would
know how much i missed him since 13 years ago. I still do!
13 years was freaking long sometimes i feel like joining him! HAHA!
Each time i meet with problems, stress, frustrations,
i would be silently talking in cantonese to myself directing
those words to Grandpa. I am a big girl now, but i still
am a little girl to him. After he left me when i was just 5,
my world felt lost like i no longer have a grandparent who dotes on me.
My other grandparents dun love me as much as they love my sisters.
I didn;t even get tu see Dad's mum cos she died way before i was born.
I really miss you Grandpa! Tmrw's the official 13th year i miss you~
Nicole's new April mix was nice.
I just didn't know most of the songs inside but it brings up the mood alot.
Definitely great help i were tu be on the bus on the way tu work 7am!
I will be wide awake , mood high at work unlike the usual.
HAHA! Chatted with BF online just now and this silly BF
of mine didn't smoke today at all! It's a great achievement man!
Hope your tattoo determination stops you from spending $20 every week
on that useless and harmfulpack of sticks! HAHA!
I shall change it tu Ricola next time i see it in your pocket again.
HAHA! Hey. doesn't it mean i have tu prepare Ricola with me everytime? No way!
And BF, please please get me sweets tmrw when you come for work!
You cancelled your sunday shift, make up for it!
And WGS, i booked for you and you said no, no and NO! no matter how much i beg you.
Today, that dumbass woman just 'forced' you and yes was the answer. WTF!
You dumb dumb dumb BF!
SiMin dear just came back from BKK safe and sound and she got me stuff
from Bangkok! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I have the same thing as MinYi but a diff color.
Hope its pink! HAHA! I really like pink stuff. Nails, phone, laptop,nail polish remover, and i would love to get a pink wallet! HAHA!
I shall get it on tuesday mayb on my shopping trip! HAHA!
My list are so long ~ I want tu buy make up mist! Pink, yellow or blue?
Shall ask BF tmrw(: HAHA!
Prata and prawn noodles for breakfast tmrw morning!
Thanks to my lovely lovely Daddy who is driving me tu work before going
tu pray at Grandpa's house. Thanks tu him i am being rich again soon!
Ppl who know me would have known how close and loving
my Grandpa and I are. And ppl who know me well enough would
know how much i missed him since 13 years ago. I still do!
13 years was freaking long sometimes i feel like joining him! HAHA!
Each time i meet with problems, stress, frustrations,
i would be silently talking in cantonese to myself directing
those words to Grandpa. I am a big girl now, but i still
am a little girl to him. After he left me when i was just 5,
my world felt lost like i no longer have a grandparent who dotes on me.
My other grandparents dun love me as much as they love my sisters.
I didn;t even get tu see Dad's mum cos she died way before i was born.
I really miss you Grandpa! Tmrw's the official 13th year i miss you~
08 April 2010

BF and his food mountain! HAHA!
He can eat alot and say 'i feel like vomiting now' HAHA!
I want to see my kids tmrw!!!!
See cute BF on saturday:D Mixed feelings nowadays like what i told MinYi.
Oh well, i cant explain it, i just feel it:X
WTH, sorry BF always had tu go through my emotional up down each time
he does something stupid at work. =.=
Thanks and sorry to you, cute and dumb BF:D
The first day of the week i work and probably the best day of the week.
Considering starting at 7am was a bad idea.
Wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
Worked with only Don and our new EM, Suhaimi:D
This new Event Manager kept asking me tu rest:D
He's totally new to our working style as he was previously from Orchid Club
where the working style and stuff were different.
Had quite a nice time having small chats in between standby time.
Went for my break at 11.15am with Abdul:D
Went back up and prepared for the buffet lunch.
It was a half day event so the guests left as soon as lunch start.
Nice time turnover for the Citibank event at night.
Kim Hock kept asking me tu do stuffs and when he pronounced a word
wrongly or what, i will correct him and get 'punishment' soon after!
He said ladle as LA-DER and when i correct him he did his usual
punishment by slapping me on the head with his BEO repeatedly=.=
While arranging the cutleries, Abdul called me tu book shift for myself.
So i sat on the floor and book with the new EM fascinated at this is how
i get work shifts. HAHA! You still have alot to learn.
Continued my setting for the buffet line and KimHock said
'Can i trust it will be completed after i smoke?'
I said i need time but shouldn't be a problem.
When he came back i was still on the cutleries=.=
HAHA! Got accused by the chef of molest cos i accidentally hit his butt when i
was moving backwards at the clearing point pushing my trolley>.<
Went down for break at 4.30pm.
Went tu sit with BF and Eric when they came and managed tu persuade BF
tu work one day with me cos he intend tu stop working after this week.
Went up tu write the booking for BF and Eric and i book more than 1day!
HAHA! Booked for the WGS event after putting down BF's name.
Did Pre-tray with BF, Eric and Don and when i told BF i book
WGS for him he immediately say no. WTH! And kept saying he want tu cancel.
Eric got influenced and no matter how i say please tu BF, still no.
So i got irritated and kept quiet instead and not long after,
BF said dun want friday too, i got pissed alr.
Wiping the chopsticks quietly and overheard Eric tell BF 'eh she angry alr leh'
Bf's reply was 'ya i know.' And did nothing=.=
I counted the chopstick rest and i couldn't reach the top of the trolley.
So i kust put the rest back tu the basket and did the chopsticks.
Don went tu get settings and Eric and BF disappeared tu nowhere.
KimHock saw and ask why am i the only one left.
BF came back after awhile and keep asking me 'eh you angry ah?'
I remain quiet and never look at him and he started tu pull at my uniform
like he always do when i am angry at what he did.
He convinced himself by telling me 'not angry right?' as always!
I just told him 'I don't want tu talk tu you, dun want see your face'
He gave up and walk away. He came back after awhile and try again
but flinging his hand away was what i did and he walk away.
BF didn't wipe his buffet line when the chalfing dish water was flooding the
whole iron rod and the floor! So i went in and out 4 times for the cloth
before he came out and wipe a small corner. Standyby with him
funny feeling in the air because we were beside each other but not talking
at all. He started first and ask me 'still angry with me ah?'
I turned away, he nudge me and said 'eh dun angry la'
He keep repeating it over and over and i got irritated
and told him stop it and look at him and smile=.=
That's what i have been avoiding all the time. His face!
Each time i see his face when i am angry, everything's okay alr=.=
WTH i am a soft-hearted failure seriously! And i hate it.
The fact that i cannot stay angry for the longest time with BF!
The dinner started at 8.30pm and my side was literally empty
with all the guests crowded at BAllroom 2 failing tu see the food at Ballroom3!
So i was only standing there with nothing tu clear.
Chatting with the chef until they got busy switching the food from Ballroom3
tu top up those at Ballroom2! HAHA!
Turnover after all the guests left and BF did something stupid just
tu make me laugh! Called him from the back and he turned around and wave.
I told him at supper whenever i call him he must wave like that
and he said okay! HAHA! We shall see this Saturday.
Went down for supper at 12am and the food is not ready
so the auntie said change first then makan.
BF imitate the way the auntie told him tu me and i laughed hard.
Felt abit sian so i asked BF tu do his waving action and he did it.
I told Eric i have a cute BF and Eric say mayb only i think that way=.=
At the end of yesterday, i realised i have a CUTE BF<3 <3
Tuesday,6 April
After a month exactly! I can see my kids!
Miss them like crazy, love them like mad!
Went there as early as 9am after being late meeting Alida. SORRY!
And the first thing i did was tu see lovely Jolene smile at me:D
Up tu my Nursery turned K1s classroom next.
SAw ChenXi first thing and he shouted 'Teacher Geraldine!'
Everyone heard him and Dayna ran over tu give me a hug
and every K1 of mine came over and hug me all around:D:D
Esther came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said she missed me.
This pretty girl is so loved since i saw her,
same as me, active and always laughing. The way she holds her pencil
is the same as me too! HAHA! <3 <3
Went doen for assembly and 'Miss Korea' Rina came and sat on my lap
amazed at my purple nails and said she love blue instead. HAHA!
Went into the toddler's class after sending Amanda in cos she vomit.
And Lea-Anne meimei, Rei-Anne cant stop crying because she wants ppl tu carry her.
So i did the job and she quieten down amazingly.
After i decide she stopped long enough, one slight move away from me
and she cried like hell again immediately.
So i held on tu her for the whole morning.
Chen laoshi came and took care of her while i looked after Jazreal's meimei
who cried equally as much as Rei-Anne. She's hard tu calm down
and stubborn at the same time. I used both soft and hard methods but ALL FAIL!
So i used the bluffing method: if you drink water, i bring you out.
It failed and was useful at the same time and i brought her out as a reward.
Went up tu the Nursery classroom tu see see and off tu my K1 class again
They were practicing writing and comparing the boys and the girls.
My pretty little ones write so much better. They boys just scrrible
Zhiyu was the only boy who write nicely.
Esther's handwriting was super neat and nice.
Phoebe's writing was so princess-looking !
Seeing them concentrate makes my day perfect, considering being
with some of them for a year! See them grow every week
makes me feel happy and happier! Down tu lunch and
hug Jolene tu sleep at nap time. i cant sleep without her!
HAHA! Holding her small hand and seeing her sleep nicely
is a great achievement indeed:D
Considering starting at 7am was a bad idea.
Wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
Worked with only Don and our new EM, Suhaimi:D
This new Event Manager kept asking me tu rest:D
He's totally new to our working style as he was previously from Orchid Club
where the working style and stuff were different.
Had quite a nice time having small chats in between standby time.
Went for my break at 11.15am with Abdul:D
Went back up and prepared for the buffet lunch.
It was a half day event so the guests left as soon as lunch start.
Nice time turnover for the Citibank event at night.
Kim Hock kept asking me tu do stuffs and when he pronounced a word
wrongly or what, i will correct him and get 'punishment' soon after!
He said ladle as LA-DER and when i correct him he did his usual
punishment by slapping me on the head with his BEO repeatedly=.=
While arranging the cutleries, Abdul called me tu book shift for myself.
So i sat on the floor and book with the new EM fascinated at this is how
i get work shifts. HAHA! You still have alot to learn.
Continued my setting for the buffet line and KimHock said
'Can i trust it will be completed after i smoke?'
I said i need time but shouldn't be a problem.
When he came back i was still on the cutleries=.=
HAHA! Got accused by the chef of molest cos i accidentally hit his butt when i
was moving backwards at the clearing point pushing my trolley>.<
Went down for break at 4.30pm.
Went tu sit with BF and Eric when they came and managed tu persuade BF
tu work one day with me cos he intend tu stop working after this week.
Went up tu write the booking for BF and Eric and i book more than 1day!
HAHA! Booked for the WGS event after putting down BF's name.
Did Pre-tray with BF, Eric and Don and when i told BF i book
WGS for him he immediately say no. WTH! And kept saying he want tu cancel.
Eric got influenced and no matter how i say please tu BF, still no.
So i got irritated and kept quiet instead and not long after,
BF said dun want friday too, i got pissed alr.
Wiping the chopsticks quietly and overheard Eric tell BF 'eh she angry alr leh'
Bf's reply was 'ya i know.' And did nothing=.=
I counted the chopstick rest and i couldn't reach the top of the trolley.
So i kust put the rest back tu the basket and did the chopsticks.
Don went tu get settings and Eric and BF disappeared tu nowhere.
KimHock saw and ask why am i the only one left.
BF came back after awhile and keep asking me 'eh you angry ah?'
I remain quiet and never look at him and he started tu pull at my uniform
like he always do when i am angry at what he did.
He convinced himself by telling me 'not angry right?' as always!
I just told him 'I don't want tu talk tu you, dun want see your face'
He gave up and walk away. He came back after awhile and try again
but flinging his hand away was what i did and he walk away.
BF didn't wipe his buffet line when the chalfing dish water was flooding the
whole iron rod and the floor! So i went in and out 4 times for the cloth
before he came out and wipe a small corner. Standyby with him
funny feeling in the air because we were beside each other but not talking
at all. He started first and ask me 'still angry with me ah?'
I turned away, he nudge me and said 'eh dun angry la'
He keep repeating it over and over and i got irritated
and told him stop it and look at him and smile=.=
That's what i have been avoiding all the time. His face!
Each time i see his face when i am angry, everything's okay alr=.=
WTH i am a soft-hearted failure seriously! And i hate it.
The fact that i cannot stay angry for the longest time with BF!
The dinner started at 8.30pm and my side was literally empty
with all the guests crowded at BAllroom 2 failing tu see the food at Ballroom3!
So i was only standing there with nothing tu clear.
Chatting with the chef until they got busy switching the food from Ballroom3
tu top up those at Ballroom2! HAHA!
Turnover after all the guests left and BF did something stupid just
tu make me laugh! Called him from the back and he turned around and wave.
I told him at supper whenever i call him he must wave like that
and he said okay! HAHA! We shall see this Saturday.
Went down for supper at 12am and the food is not ready
so the auntie said change first then makan.
BF imitate the way the auntie told him tu me and i laughed hard.
Felt abit sian so i asked BF tu do his waving action and he did it.
I told Eric i have a cute BF and Eric say mayb only i think that way=.=
At the end of yesterday, i realised i have a CUTE BF<3 <3
Tuesday,6 April
After a month exactly! I can see my kids!
Miss them like crazy, love them like mad!
Went there as early as 9am after being late meeting Alida. SORRY!
And the first thing i did was tu see lovely Jolene smile at me:D
Up tu my Nursery turned K1s classroom next.
SAw ChenXi first thing and he shouted 'Teacher Geraldine!'
Everyone heard him and Dayna ran over tu give me a hug
and every K1 of mine came over and hug me all around:D:D
Esther came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said she missed me.
This pretty girl is so loved since i saw her,
same as me, active and always laughing. The way she holds her pencil
is the same as me too! HAHA! <3 <3
Went doen for assembly and 'Miss Korea' Rina came and sat on my lap
amazed at my purple nails and said she love blue instead. HAHA!
Went into the toddler's class after sending Amanda in cos she vomit.
And Lea-Anne meimei, Rei-Anne cant stop crying because she wants ppl tu carry her.
So i did the job and she quieten down amazingly.
After i decide she stopped long enough, one slight move away from me
and she cried like hell again immediately.
So i held on tu her for the whole morning.
Chen laoshi came and took care of her while i looked after Jazreal's meimei
who cried equally as much as Rei-Anne. She's hard tu calm down
and stubborn at the same time. I used both soft and hard methods but ALL FAIL!
So i used the bluffing method: if you drink water, i bring you out.
It failed and was useful at the same time and i brought her out as a reward.
Went up tu the Nursery classroom tu see see and off tu my K1 class again
They were practicing writing and comparing the boys and the girls.
My pretty little ones write so much better. They boys just scrrible
Zhiyu was the only boy who write nicely.
Esther's handwriting was super neat and nice.
Phoebe's writing was so princess-looking !
Seeing them concentrate makes my day perfect, considering being
with some of them for a year! See them grow every week
makes me feel happy and happier! Down tu lunch and
hug Jolene tu sleep at nap time. i cant sleep without her!
HAHA! Holding her small hand and seeing her sleep nicely
is a great achievement indeed:D
04 April 2010
I know i just post ytd but i simply have nothing else tu do!
WTH! I do nothing but stay at home when i dun have work.
It's my off day so shall post about ytd.
Went tu work after having a quick chat with BF on MSN:D
He just randomly ask me tu watch a video.
I watched it before but still its the thought that counts.
Thanks for making my day, sweets:D
I am trying tu control my temper alot today=.=
Just like what i said, bad temper after having this BF of mine.
Went tu work and immediately start on the sash tying.
After 7 tables, Jane said it wasn't what she wanted.
WTF, Abdul said just leave it and tie the rest but he said eat first
so we went down for dinner and when all the 5pm staff came,
they tie the sash just for the sake of tying it!
Jane happened tu see one table with the rubbish sash tied
and assumed i was the one who did it and got all the blame.
Seriously, keep your hands tu yourself if you dunno how tu tie it!
MinYi and i had tu re-tie every single sash we see across the ballroom
of 40 tables because every single one was like shit.
Simply annoyed by how ignorant ppl work.
Got 2-3 with MinYi after god knows how long.
The table of china ppl simply had no manners at all!
No offence towards them but this lady kept her chair so moved out
when its so fucking cramp with 40 tables.
When i was rushing, kicked the leg of her chair accidentally
and my toe bleed. Damn painful tu walk around>.<
Helped BF tu clear since MinYi and I were fast enough:D
End of dinner, collected the sash into one trash bag and counted.
I think i lost count but it should have 190.
Turnover and Aunty Tm said i should have taken the water base
together with the dessert plate so that i can save the trouble of doing
double job. I was like ya la ya la, why should i listen tu you?
I didn't ask you tu help me put the water base, i intend
tu put the base after the plates, what can you do about that?
And if i should take the base together with the plates,
why didn't the person who fold it put the base with the plates
like it was supposed tu be? Then i wont have tu do double right?
Use your brains. You BP aunties always know that i cannot
lose my temper at you and i should have the most respect for you,
well prove it. Show me you deserve it or not don't even think about it.
Respect is earned not given ok? You still dun understand it despite
your age! Sometimes, its such a joke seeing how i know some of
the things at work more than you do, despite you working there
longer than i do:D
Nearly lost my phone when i punch out cos i left it inside my uniform,
Told BF tu help me call and guess what, he went ut smoke!
Tsk, i should have let those pack of cigarettes remain in my pocket
and never return it like what i did that time!
HuangZhen helped me call instead and thanks tu him i found my phone:D
Kim Hock was on my transport too and i didn't know it until
he wanted tu get on the van. he told me tu move out tu let him go in,
i did as told and got a knock on my head! WTH
He practically making fun of me for the time he was on transport.
Got home at 2am while texting my lovely Twinnie:D
WTH! I do nothing but stay at home when i dun have work.
It's my off day so shall post about ytd.
Went tu work after having a quick chat with BF on MSN:D
He just randomly ask me tu watch a video.
I watched it before but still its the thought that counts.
Thanks for making my day, sweets:D
I am trying tu control my temper alot today=.=
Just like what i said, bad temper after having this BF of mine.
Went tu work and immediately start on the sash tying.
After 7 tables, Jane said it wasn't what she wanted.
WTF, Abdul said just leave it and tie the rest but he said eat first
so we went down for dinner and when all the 5pm staff came,
they tie the sash just for the sake of tying it!
Jane happened tu see one table with the rubbish sash tied
and assumed i was the one who did it and got all the blame.
Seriously, keep your hands tu yourself if you dunno how tu tie it!
MinYi and i had tu re-tie every single sash we see across the ballroom
of 40 tables because every single one was like shit.
Simply annoyed by how ignorant ppl work.
Got 2-3 with MinYi after god knows how long.
The table of china ppl simply had no manners at all!
No offence towards them but this lady kept her chair so moved out
when its so fucking cramp with 40 tables.
When i was rushing, kicked the leg of her chair accidentally
and my toe bleed. Damn painful tu walk around>.<
Helped BF tu clear since MinYi and I were fast enough:D
End of dinner, collected the sash into one trash bag and counted.
I think i lost count but it should have 190.
Turnover and Aunty Tm said i should have taken the water base
together with the dessert plate so that i can save the trouble of doing
double job. I was like ya la ya la, why should i listen tu you?
I didn't ask you tu help me put the water base, i intend
tu put the base after the plates, what can you do about that?
And if i should take the base together with the plates,
why didn't the person who fold it put the base with the plates
like it was supposed tu be? Then i wont have tu do double right?
Use your brains. You BP aunties always know that i cannot
lose my temper at you and i should have the most respect for you,
well prove it. Show me you deserve it or not don't even think about it.
Respect is earned not given ok? You still dun understand it despite
your age! Sometimes, its such a joke seeing how i know some of
the things at work more than you do, despite you working there
longer than i do:D
Nearly lost my phone when i punch out cos i left it inside my uniform,
Told BF tu help me call and guess what, he went ut smoke!
Tsk, i should have let those pack of cigarettes remain in my pocket
and never return it like what i did that time!
HuangZhen helped me call instead and thanks tu him i found my phone:D
Kim Hock was on my transport too and i didn't know it until
he wanted tu get on the van. he told me tu move out tu let him go in,
i did as told and got a knock on my head! WTH
He practically making fun of me for the time he was on transport.
Got home at 2am while texting my lovely Twinnie:D
03 April 2010
02 April 2010
Just came back from a satisfying dinner with my family:D
My treat of crabs cost 70+ bucks but it was worth it.
Twinnie Love treat her family tu dinner too but wasn't that good for her.
Shall post again tu cover that previous long post that i like so much.
Cos somebody keeps enquiring about the details that i am simply irritated.

(From left: BF,Eric,me)
Text BF just now before i had my crabs and his reply made me a happy girl.
I realised something today that i only told MinYi.
After knowing this BF of mine, i become bad-tempered! :X
Like seriously, he's a pro at making me happy and pissed.
Everytime he pissed me off, its as if the world piss me off too.
But when i see his face again, i just cant stay angry. WTH.
And knowing this BF made me more vulgar with his constant swearing=.=
I swear and curse more often now. WTHWTHWTHWTH
BF made me angry, pissed, feel like slapping him which i always do
but still there were times when his stupid acts just make me turn from :( tu :D
There were happy and sweet times still, 2 seconds massage,
but i still simply love love love this lovely BF of mine.
Never fail tu bring a smile tu my face. Will you stay with me for long? (:
Love you much, BF ♥ ♥ ♥
My treat of crabs cost 70+ bucks but it was worth it.
Twinnie Love treat her family tu dinner too but wasn't that good for her.
Shall post again tu cover that previous long post that i like so much.
Cos somebody keeps enquiring about the details that i am simply irritated.

(From left: BF,Eric,me)
Text BF just now before i had my crabs and his reply made me a happy girl.
I realised something today that i only told MinYi.
After knowing this BF of mine, i become bad-tempered! :X
Like seriously, he's a pro at making me happy and pissed.
Everytime he pissed me off, its as if the world piss me off too.
But when i see his face again, i just cant stay angry. WTH.
And knowing this BF made me more vulgar with his constant swearing=.=
I swear and curse more often now. WTHWTHWTHWTH
BF made me angry, pissed, feel like slapping him which i always do
but still there were times when his stupid acts just make me turn from :( tu :D
There were happy and sweet times still, 2 seconds massage,
but i still simply love love love this lovely BF of mine.
Never fail tu bring a smile tu my face. Will you stay with me for long? (:
Love you much, BF ♥ ♥ ♥
It's April! School's starting.
Not anticipating it at all.
Seeing my friends in school is what i cant wait, but school?
No thanks! HAHA!
Monday 29 March
Work started 5pm-1am.
Went tu see the doctor before heading tu work.
But going tu work after eating your medicine is really hell.
Feeling drowsy but you have tu keep awake in case you make mistakes!
Like wth, but i did it!
Did door-girl with Deborah.
When i grab the train of the wedding gown, dizzy was what i felt.
Her gown was damn heavy too. Deborah came out late so i have tu manage
holding the gown by myself. The bride was damn pretty:D
Went down at 11pm tu have my medicine and i felt even worse.
ShiPing told me tu do things slowly, do anything that makes me comfortable.
Went tu take the felt with Deborah at 3rd flr.
She was so fascinated she knew how tu on the lights,
she said tu the air 'Yes suckers, Deborah just on the lights!'
HAHA! Stack the chairs and its damn funny how some ppl just stack a few and leave.
10 stacks needed and aunties stack 2 stop.
ShiPing began his ABC teaching when we rest waiting for time tu pass.
A for Ass, and when Deborah said it was fun working with him,
he said 'Of course, i tell jokes everyday'
I immediately thought 'a few, some more, some' joke of his.
Went for supper and home sweet home!
30 March, Tuesday
Work at 5pm again=.=
Supposedly doing 1-2 plus doorgirl.
But Abdul said he put the new guy at my side and Deborah
at Minyi's side. So i got 1-1(Y) in the end!
Doorgirl with MinYi, she got 1-2 at the last minute
cos Abdul said Deborah wasn't coming down alr.
Realised that the bride had the same evening gown as the ytd's bride wedding gown.
Just that one was white and one was pink:D
HAHA! Totally nice too.
Did turnover and was quite pissed that even the sick is moving,
while the ones who are not just sit around thinking there is nothing tu do.
Sat at the stage with BF after everything was done and we discovered
wedding gifts lying on the stage. Took one white heart and gave it tu BF
and he said 'eh how you know i want this?' 'Because you're my BF ma' was my reply.
So i kept one for him and one for myself. But in the end, both went into
his pocket cos i had nowhere tu keep it.
Went down for supper, and BF pissed me off with a fork.
Wasn't in the best of moods so i think it added on after he repeatedly
tried tu push the fork tu me. I skipped supper and throw down his jacket
and left the canteen, went tu locker and bathe.
Told Mum that we shall have prata instead.
Went opposite with my lovely Twinnie and Deborah.
Eric and BF came after us and i just concentrated on my prata
after BF sat beside me. BF passed me the gift and i ignored.
Didn't bother talking tu him and went up the transport.
Reached home and received BF's text the next morning, saying he was sorry
he did that at the canteen and amazingly, he was forgiven just like that!
Like wth, but i was appeased after reading that text>.<
31 March, Wednesday
Went tu work at 11am.
BF was the first person i saw when i was at Security.
'Not angry alr right?' was the first thing he said.
Ignoring him was what i did:D HAHA.
Went up after i had lunch and walked into Ballroom 3.
Saw BF once again and whatever the reason is i smiled=.=
Started talking tu him and Abdul came over.
Said i will have tu help out with the Western lunch later.
3 courses and i was damn free for the lunch!
Abdul only told me tu serve when the food is tu be served.
Clearing, drinks,ice water was all the things i don't have tu do!
Eric got burned by the hot main course plate so i put cream
and plaster for him so that he can work properly without having tu be in so much pain
BF gave me a massage for 2 seconds=.= Appreciated!
Western lunch was done and started tu do turnover for the night.
NUS Shears HAll D&D
Got one table tu myself:D
Changed drinks non-stop and my guests were perfectly fine and normal.
Lucky i did not get those who dress up like ballerinas.
They had so much makeup and glitter all over them!
Disgustingly dressed and damn hard tu look at them without feeling disgusted>.<
Ended the night and BF was the nicest today.
He let me lean on him when i was damn tired even though he was too.
Normally, he wouldn't even be bothered that i was tired but he didn't today:D
Thanks tu BF i was suppported for a few seconds when i felt tired.
Turnover for the night was pretty awesome with Michael playing around.
I did the pasting of the posters with Deborah
and while waiting for the partitons tu be locked i pushed them over tu Michael.
After awhile i just felt dam sian i keep doing the same thing.
So seeing a piece of partition moving Fast, i decide tu play with it.
Told Michael 'I shall save you from the partition!'
He especially said 'Eh miss, dun play with it'
But i didn't think i bother and for fun i blocke the partiton.
Nothing happen so i thought mission done. And Michael just looked at me with the =.=
face and went on tu lock the partitions.
After i was done with the posters with Deborah, we sat down
and i wrote 'BF' on a masking tape and paste it on BF's arm.
His never pay attention attitude showed again when he crushed that tape
and throw it away. I happen tu ask where's that tape and he said 'oh
you got write Bf on it ah? I never notice' >.<
I was like ya ya you always never.
Went down for supper after that BF gave me a tag:D HAHA
Went tu shower after seeing BF losing repeatedly on his PSP.
He restarts it each time he knows he's losing so i got bored watching it!
Home sweet home after texting Twinnie and sleeping :D
1 April, Thurday
No need tu stand by so Mum and I decide tu complete the settings for
Saturday's wedding asap since we did not want tu have more things tu do on sat.
KimHock said the Saturday's wedding will be a messy one.
VIP tables in pink but normal tables in blue.
Alternate chairs with and without bow. Those without bow will have blue sash.
The sash only arrived yesterday night!
40 tables in total, meaning 200 sash and 200 chair covers!
The couple will stand and sign their cert on a cocktail round.
Using the new tall and black cocktail round, they will sign their cert.
Cant wait for Saturday tu pass quickly!
Booked shift for next week.
Turnover for the ballroom after the morning event ended.
The guests came for AV testing at 5.30pm and they were trying out
different food presentations songs.
Then Michael could predict the next song.
When 'Be My Guest' came, he started tu sing 'Your dinner, be my guest...'
The song reached a part where the guy sings abit louder.
Abdul was pushing the chairs and when he passed by Pat, he sang
and Pat got a shock and laughed! Non-stop laughter in the ballroom
and Michael cant stop his 'Be my guest' !
Abdul said it's 7pm continue on saturday so we went back at 7pm:D
Not anticipating it at all.
Seeing my friends in school is what i cant wait, but school?
No thanks! HAHA!
Monday 29 March
Work started 5pm-1am.
Went tu see the doctor before heading tu work.
But going tu work after eating your medicine is really hell.
Feeling drowsy but you have tu keep awake in case you make mistakes!
Like wth, but i did it!
Did door-girl with Deborah.
When i grab the train of the wedding gown, dizzy was what i felt.
Her gown was damn heavy too. Deborah came out late so i have tu manage
holding the gown by myself. The bride was damn pretty:D
Went down at 11pm tu have my medicine and i felt even worse.
ShiPing told me tu do things slowly, do anything that makes me comfortable.
Went tu take the felt with Deborah at 3rd flr.
She was so fascinated she knew how tu on the lights,
she said tu the air 'Yes suckers, Deborah just on the lights!'
HAHA! Stack the chairs and its damn funny how some ppl just stack a few and leave.
10 stacks needed and aunties stack 2 stop.
ShiPing began his ABC teaching when we rest waiting for time tu pass.
A for Ass, and when Deborah said it was fun working with him,
he said 'Of course, i tell jokes everyday'
I immediately thought 'a few, some more, some' joke of his.
Went for supper and home sweet home!
30 March, Tuesday
Work at 5pm again=.=
Supposedly doing 1-2 plus doorgirl.
But Abdul said he put the new guy at my side and Deborah
at Minyi's side. So i got 1-1(Y) in the end!
Doorgirl with MinYi, she got 1-2 at the last minute
cos Abdul said Deborah wasn't coming down alr.
Realised that the bride had the same evening gown as the ytd's bride wedding gown.
Just that one was white and one was pink:D
HAHA! Totally nice too.
Did turnover and was quite pissed that even the sick is moving,
while the ones who are not just sit around thinking there is nothing tu do.
Sat at the stage with BF after everything was done and we discovered
wedding gifts lying on the stage. Took one white heart and gave it tu BF
and he said 'eh how you know i want this?' 'Because you're my BF ma' was my reply.
So i kept one for him and one for myself. But in the end, both went into
his pocket cos i had nowhere tu keep it.
Went down for supper, and BF pissed me off with a fork.
Wasn't in the best of moods so i think it added on after he repeatedly
tried tu push the fork tu me. I skipped supper and throw down his jacket
and left the canteen, went tu locker and bathe.
Told Mum that we shall have prata instead.
Went opposite with my lovely Twinnie and Deborah.
Eric and BF came after us and i just concentrated on my prata
after BF sat beside me. BF passed me the gift and i ignored.
Didn't bother talking tu him and went up the transport.
Reached home and received BF's text the next morning, saying he was sorry
he did that at the canteen and amazingly, he was forgiven just like that!
Like wth, but i was appeased after reading that text>.<
31 March, Wednesday
Went tu work at 11am.
BF was the first person i saw when i was at Security.
'Not angry alr right?' was the first thing he said.
Ignoring him was what i did:D HAHA.
Went up after i had lunch and walked into Ballroom 3.
Saw BF once again and whatever the reason is i smiled=.=
Started talking tu him and Abdul came over.
Said i will have tu help out with the Western lunch later.
3 courses and i was damn free for the lunch!
Abdul only told me tu serve when the food is tu be served.
Clearing, drinks,ice water was all the things i don't have tu do!
Eric got burned by the hot main course plate so i put cream
and plaster for him so that he can work properly without having tu be in so much pain
BF gave me a massage for 2 seconds=.= Appreciated!
Western lunch was done and started tu do turnover for the night.
NUS Shears HAll D&D
Got one table tu myself:D
Changed drinks non-stop and my guests were perfectly fine and normal.
Lucky i did not get those who dress up like ballerinas.
They had so much makeup and glitter all over them!
Disgustingly dressed and damn hard tu look at them without feeling disgusted>.<
Ended the night and BF was the nicest today.
He let me lean on him when i was damn tired even though he was too.
Normally, he wouldn't even be bothered that i was tired but he didn't today:D
Thanks tu BF i was suppported for a few seconds when i felt tired.
Turnover for the night was pretty awesome with Michael playing around.
I did the pasting of the posters with Deborah
and while waiting for the partitons tu be locked i pushed them over tu Michael.
After awhile i just felt dam sian i keep doing the same thing.
So seeing a piece of partition moving Fast, i decide tu play with it.
Told Michael 'I shall save you from the partition!'
He especially said 'Eh miss, dun play with it'
But i didn't think i bother and for fun i blocke the partiton.
Nothing happen so i thought mission done. And Michael just looked at me with the =.=
face and went on tu lock the partitions.
After i was done with the posters with Deborah, we sat down
and i wrote 'BF' on a masking tape and paste it on BF's arm.
His never pay attention attitude showed again when he crushed that tape
and throw it away. I happen tu ask where's that tape and he said 'oh
you got write Bf on it ah? I never notice' >.<
I was like ya ya you always never.
Went down for supper after that BF gave me a tag:D HAHA
Went tu shower after seeing BF losing repeatedly on his PSP.
He restarts it each time he knows he's losing so i got bored watching it!
Home sweet home after texting Twinnie and sleeping :D
1 April, Thurday
No need tu stand by so Mum and I decide tu complete the settings for
Saturday's wedding asap since we did not want tu have more things tu do on sat.
KimHock said the Saturday's wedding will be a messy one.
VIP tables in pink but normal tables in blue.
Alternate chairs with and without bow. Those without bow will have blue sash.
The sash only arrived yesterday night!
40 tables in total, meaning 200 sash and 200 chair covers!
The couple will stand and sign their cert on a cocktail round.
Using the new tall and black cocktail round, they will sign their cert.
Cant wait for Saturday tu pass quickly!
Booked shift for next week.
Turnover for the ballroom after the morning event ended.
The guests came for AV testing at 5.30pm and they were trying out
different food presentations songs.
Then Michael could predict the next song.
When 'Be My Guest' came, he started tu sing 'Your dinner, be my guest...'
The song reached a part where the guy sings abit louder.
Abdul was pushing the chairs and when he passed by Pat, he sang
and Pat got a shock and laughed! Non-stop laughter in the ballroom
and Michael cant stop his 'Be my guest' !
Abdul said it's 7pm continue on saturday so we went back at 7pm:D
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