Intend tu go BFFL's hse but
her father is bringing her tu eat
so didn go in the end:(
Talk on the phone and sms alot with her
Helping her tu find a way out
for her problems.
First time seeing her so stressed up:(
Mummy keep hearing my phone ring
cos BFFL reply mii then she
scolded mii saying my sms will overshot
if i keep using lik tat.
Wth la. It will overshot if i sms
BFFL and Yong Quan at the same time lo.
I onli sms with her so wont de:)
I'm not supposed tu chat too long on the fone
not supposed tu sms alot at home
then wad shud i do?
Why not u jus take my fone away lo
then dun say Bffl, even Yong Quan
oso wont be able tu sms unless i work happy?
My stomach hurts lik hell now:(
I woke up oso bcos of it:(
Saw Yong Quan's sms when i woke up
telling mii about his work last nite
I was waiting but i fell asleep while waiting
cos i no his sms will come onli after 1am
Replied him before i went back tu sleep again till 12pm:D
Hope work todae wont be a torture
cos its my '2nd day'
(if u are a girl, u'll understand wad i mean by 2nd day)
This year quite not smooth for mii
sick in Jan, hurt my throat in Jan
i'm falling sick soon
Yong Quan say i veri sad cos i keep falling sick
makes mii cant concentrate on my work:(
Anyway now the work system chng
We dun do booking for the days we wan tu work.
The manager does it for us
which is why i work onli todae & tmrw for this week
In the past, i seem tu work almost everyday
if you have been in contact with mii:)
But now, i'll be rotting at home more often:(
Dun quite lik it cos i'm used tu working le.
The ppl there makes mii wan tu go work
Would alwys laugh and joke with Rebecca
although Mummy dun quite lik tat
cos she says i'm too noisy:(
Still got Shermaine who i tell my problems tu:)
and Yong Qiang and my pillow:D
The thought of not working can kill mii already
after 3 mths of work tgt:)