So the whole night you have been fucking upset abt that.
During briefing, you know what happen? you don't!
ShiPing said choose partner, you choose someone else
and thats why i went tu MinYi! She said she didn't want tu partner
so i was like then who am i gonna do with?!
You said i had my back turned its cos i was telling MinYi
how come you today dun want tu partner with me! NBCB you dunno and anyhow say.
At the back-area, you ask how many glasses i want tu drink each night.
You know how rude it was?! In front of MinYi and Richard, you mean
i cant show how i really feel?! They are the only ones i am true-self tu!
I dun even show how i feel tu you! You said from where you are, you can hear
me slamming the glass on the oblong table but i swear i didn't!
And you said i was pissed, turned my head and walked out.
Thats when you felt that how can i do that tu you.
Now remember what you thought me? Dun throw temper at work.
Oh well, look what you are doing! Embarass me and then getting angry.
WTF, I didn't slam the glass at all!
In front of MinYi,Eric and Richard you can say if i am given that VIP i
jolly well dun come tu the back area! Pls there isn't a single soul at the table!
And i tried talking tu you isn't it? But what was ur reaction?
Walking away with that pissed look. Eh i can feel it ok?
If i was pissed at you saying me, i would not even talk tu you!
You say its cos i stood with MinYi thats why you choose others.
But its cos you choose others the moment ShiPing say choose!
What can i say? My table's guests fucking pissed me off but can i tell you?
I helped you serve your Muslim food and not even a word of thanks
thats okay, you still gave me that pissed look again. WTF you want?
I know its totally impossible tu extend so i didn't even ask you right?
I know you love tu do things for me then tell me.
But do you know i feel i have absolutely no say in anything at all?
Hey, i am grown up i know how tu handle my things.
Stop taking that night that i do till shag and rest at turnover as an excuse ok?
If i can take it means i can stop thinking i cant!
And what's with the fucking talk abt my legs? No rice=no strength=falling down
nbcb it doesn't make sense ok? How many times do i have tu tell you
that it was absolutely dry tu the clearing area. I know mayb you would
not be as stupid tu slip there. Yeah only i will, happy?
I felt so wronged and accused by you but apparently you just think you are right.
I wanted tu explain why i partner MinYi, i wanted tu explain i didn't slam the glass.
But tu you, i alr turn my back=i want MinYi dun want you
I walk out after you say that=i slam the glass and i am pissed.
What kind of fucking stupid logic its that?!
You said is MinYi more important than you tu me?
Oh so thats the reason you were ignoring her is it?
She's important thats right, but do you know how you feel everytime affect me the most.
i cant understand why you say its only you who are giving in.
You mean tu say in the past you wanna extend, i said yes when i am tired, thats not giving in?
I used tu tell ppl that i like working cos you are thr, now?
I dunthink i have the courage and willpower tu say that. I dun even dare.
Do you really know me? You really know how i feel? I doubt so.
If i were tu ask you, what are the things i am afraid of? Can you name them?
I am not even afraid of lozards and cockroaches but i am afraid of
one insignificant fruit, but again you know what it is?
Believe me, ask MinYi. She'll be able tu tell you.
Its not because you dunno me well enough, its because as time goes
i dunno how tu talk tu you like a friend. I see you as somebody
whom i have difficulty expressing towards. You always tell me tu keep my
temper, keep my temper until i dunno how tu express it sometimes MinYi
have tu take it all. Friends are the ones i am really MYSELF when i am with them!
I know you hate vulgar lang, out of respect i dun say them tu you right?
You say what i did hurt you made you xin ku for the night.
Oh so what abt you? The things that i have tu do tu ur request those are making me
feel ficking good, at the top of the world?
I have tu go back at 11pm, say bye tu everyone. I hate that do you know?
If it was you, having someone deciding ur every fucking move, deciding every single thing, you would be happy? Happy not getting tu voice out?
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