I'm tired but i'm still gonna post.
Reason being i am waiting for my lovely Twinnie tu return on MSN
HAHA! Twinnie faster come back dear(:
Yesterday was the worst outing i had.
Dunno why i can get so pissed even when i go out with my fav ppl.
LOL all because of one person it seems tu pull all the mood down.
See how much we are affected! Please be super guilty:D
I was damn happy and laughing till you said you cant watch the 2nd one.
Even Alice in Wonderland didn't affect me la.
But you! NB and you said abt ur working too it makes it even worse.
I knew more abt you, it shock me like seriously you idiot!
That's a BIG number you know! HAHA!
But whatever, you still pissed me off (:
While walking tu Iluma i was really pissed because i please you not once!
You are such a disappointment la. And thanks tu baby, you
also know why i hate liars and ppl who dun keep their promise.
And you,you did both la fucker. If you cant even keep it, dun say it.
You gave me hope and took it away, its even worse than not giving at all!
I am very insecure with your words now do you know?
It only takes once and its hard for me tu trust you boy.
You said ok then in the end you cant keep it.
I was angry then held it in tu hold you and please you again
and cant was the answer again and whats more you said 'you understand me ma'
i really explode at that, i shout at you, raised my voice at you.
I was angry, told you all i felt at once. I know you were shocked
and i got pissed walking away was all i can do. While waiting
for the others tu come, you try tu talk tu me but i ignore.
Walking again, you grab my elbow i break that grip i was sorry but couldn't help.
You even try again when you were opening the door for me.
I dunno why taking the escalator, i got less and less angry.
You show me ur trademark that you know works on me, you idiot!
When i see you stop outside the restaurant i know you were rushing alr.
TJ talked tu you i got pissed again and said 'just go la!'
You immediately looked annoyed and i know that was ur limit
and amazingly, i stop being angry. WTH! i stopped!
Then i actually talked nicely tu you. Told you i understand you.
The first thing you said tu me was 'you understand me ma'
Then i was like thinking i do understand you, anger just suddenly got me.
I even said sorry tu you like wth i said sorry! NB
I understand you, faster go or not ltr you rush even more,dun let them wait too long(:
I actually said those things. *slaps self*
But who ask you tu be my friend?! Who ask me tu know so much?! Idiot!
Whatever, you break ur promise tu me again, i will break ur bones i swear!
I'll use the hammer for dry ice tu crack ur coconut shell la idiot!
Okay, end of rambling:D
Working tmrw with Twinnie and my BF!! <3
Morning seeing my lovely cuties:D
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